Virginia Nuclear Energy Consortium Statement on NRC Approval of Extended Operation of Surry Power Station
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Share This Article ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA, UNITED STATES, May 5, 2021 / Virginia Nuclear Energy Consortium Executive Director April Wade released the following statement regarding the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) approval of the application to extend Surry Power Station’s operating license: The Virginia Nuclear Energy Consortium congratulates Dominion Energy on the extension of Surry Power Station’s operating license. A third of Virginia’s electricity comes from clean, carbon-free, safe, reliable, and cost-effective nuclear energy, and now will continue to do so for another two decades. Virginia nuclear stakeholders recently released a strategic plan to help the Commonwealth achieve its goal of 100% carbon-free energy by 2045. The approval of Surry Power Station’s extended operating lice
State officials will conduct a test of the Emergency Alert System and the early warning siren system on Wednesday, March 10 for the Surry Power Station.