how do the democrats look at that political capital and then mine it? how do you convert poll numbers like that into electoral results if you re the democratic party? by standing up and talking about them loud and clear. as i recall, rachel, it s what we said we ought to have been doing last fall. we should have made the election last fall about raising taxes on the rich people. we should have been doing that last year. i think it s time to find our voice again. and i give the president credit, he should be emboldening democrats all across the country to speak over and over again. every democrat ought to be out talking about the ryan plan, talking about what the president wants to do. talking about the need to invest to create jobs. talking about, you know, we can do this if we do it it the right way, and we can do it in a fairway, everybody shares the pain. those issues are on our side, we ought to go out there and speak loudly and with one voice. now, at the same time it was
creating the potential for a major oil spill. that was april 22enned of last year, we did not know, of course, how bad it would get. those 11 workers who went missing that night never returned home. we could not know that the blown well would keep spewing millions of barrels of oil for three months into the gulf of mexico. we did not know that night what had precipitated the accident. now we know some of what went wrong, but congressional action to fix it has so far consisted of $40 billion worth of correspondent welfare for the industry, and making it quicker for them to get their permits, no matter how safe this sort of drilling is. joining us now is bob cavnar. he was president and ceo of an oil drilling firm. he s author of the book, disaster on the horizon. thanks for joining us tonight. good to be with you, rachel.
that was april 22nd of last year, we did not know, of course, how bad it would get. those 11 workers who went missing that night never returned home. we could not know that the blown well would keep spewing millions of barrels of oil for three months into the gulf of mexico. we did not know that night what had precipitated the accident. now we know some of what went wrong, but congressional action to fix it has so far consisted of $40 billion worth of correspondent welfare for the industry, and making it quicker for them to get their permits, no matter how safe this sort of drilling is. joining us now is bob cavnar. he was president and ceo of an oil drilling firm. he s author of the book, disaster on the horizon. thanks for joining us tonight. good to be with you, rachel. what do you think the feeling is tonight among people in the
solving a problem on the backs of people who are poor or people who are powerless or don t have any lobbyists or don t have clout. i don t think that s particularly courageous. joining us now is nbc news political analyst and former president governor, ed rendell. thanks for being here. my pleasure, rachel. are you hearing in president obama, his re-election campaign? sure. but more than the re-election campaign, we re hearing from him basic values that he should have beene eses eses eses beenesspo beenesspousing all along. i almost felt sorry for congressman ryan. he shouted down by his own constituents out of town meeting today, when he was talking about how rich people really need to
what do you think the feeling is tonight among people in the oil industry, that a year outรง from the bp disaster, congress has done quite literally, nothing in terms of new laws regulating drilling? you know, there s some confusion within the industry, frankly, what i m hearing, rachel. one is that more and more of those in the industry who drill offshow are looking for more certainty from the rules and the boe/mre has been very slow in publishing those new rules. but you have to understand also that the industry likes to think of itself as being very, very good, and doesn t really like these rules to be put in place. so as they ask for certainty, they continue to fight against new regulation. so they really like the gridlock within congress, i believe, and not having any new regulations to have to adhere to. even today, a year later, as