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"Living root contributions dominate vertical accretion, but not carbon " by Yujie Sun, Kerrylee Rogers et al.

Organic matter derived from allochthonous and autochthonous sources makes an important contribution to the accumulation and burial of “blue carbon” in tidal wetlands. Organic matter accretion is also a mechanism by which tidal marshes and mangroves adjust vertically to the pressure of sea-level rise, through feedbacks between marsh autotrophic productivity and hydroperiod. However, the separate contributions of inorganic matter, detrital organic matter and living roots to marsh accretion have rarely been documented. We used a network of Surface Elevation Table-Marker Horizon (SET-MH) stations SE Australia as a benchmark against which the accumulation of inorganic, organic and living root material was measured. Established in 2000–2002, the SET-MH stations allowed for sampling accretion and elevation gain in mangrove and saltmarsh in fluvial and marine sand geomorphic settings. We found living root material to be the dominant contributor to the volume of accretion above feldspar m


"Vertical Accretion Trends in Australian Tidal Wetlands" by Neil Saintilan, Yujie Sun et al.

Australian tidal wetlands differ in important respects to better studied northern hemisphere systems, an artefact stable to falling sea levels over millennia. A network of Surface Elevation Table-Marker Horizon (SET-MH) monitoring stations has been established across the continent to assess accretionary and elevation responses to sea-level rise. This network currently consists of 289 SET-MH installations across all mainland Australian coastal states and territories. SET-MH installations are mostly in mangrove forests but also cover a range of tidal marsh and supratidal forest ecosystems. Mangroves were found to have higher rates of accretion and elevation gain than all the other categories of tidal wetland, a result attributable to their lower position within the tidal frame (promoting higher rates of accretion) higher biomass (with potentially higher rates of root growth), and lower rates of organic decomposition. While Australian tidal marshes in general show an increase in elevation


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