the important r word here is play and not really suffocating someone or and not really trying to kill someone. it is about intensity, connection, caring. it is not about sur rerender to someone, but it is about surrendering. being a dominant or a subm submissive is about my pleasure. the other person can be absolutely anybody. even the perfect stranger. people don t judge whether i have money or not, my caste or my religion, they don t give a damn. only think that you are human and into kink and you are welcome welcome. i just let go, and not responsible for anything. it is just the two of you. nothing else in the world matters. you give up control to the
depending on what issue and what vote you re talking about. both have to be represented. otherwise you re going to have situations where it s a shutdown or nothing because nobody will credit the deal that the leadership negotiates with the democrats. and to do that, you might have one speaker and the other is the majority leader. that probably makes the most sense. but to think that you can unite the republican caucus behind mccarthy is ridiculouridiculous. it s just a prescription to either sur rerender or a shutdo depending on which you wish. let s talk about the broader fight for the republican nomination for president. when you look at these latest poll numbers, i mean, bush is still in it, but these latest numbers in florida, ohio and pennsylvania out of quinnipiac, not necessarily good for jeb bush who was once thought to be the front-runner, and you say jeb bush can t win. why? well, he s lost three-quarters of his support since he announced, for heaven s sakes. and he looks