KOTA KINABALU: Two men were killed and another seriously hurt in separate accidents involving motorcycles in the Sook area in the early hours of Sunday (Feb 25).
KENINGAU: A parolee’s “sudden death” was reclassified as murder after the police here arrested his car wash workmate, who claimed that the victim had fallen and hit his head.
KENINGAU: A 19-year-old was arrested after he was found with two bakakuks (homemade shotguns) and an air rifle in Nabawan, near here.
Keningau Police Chief Supt Yampil Anak Garai said the suspect was driving when police stopped him near a plantation, about 11.30am, on Wednesday.
KOTA KINABALU: Police arrested a young man after he was found with two bakakuks, or homemade shotguns and an air rifle in Sabah’s interior Keningau district.