on the u.s. supreme court. senators believe the last time he went through confirmation hearings in the senate, he appears to have lied to them about whether or not he had had personal involvement in a particularly controversial issue from the george w. bush white house. senators believed that to the point where one senator referred the matter to the u.s. attorney general, cc ing it to the u.s. attorney for washington, d.c. essentially accusing the judge of criminal false testimony. and now he s up for a supreme kurt confirmation. how does what happened back then in round two affect what happens now in round two? hold that thought.
39% say mixed feelings. speaking from salem, virginia, mr. romney said the supreme kurt s decision 0 would not have been necessary if president obama had worked with congress and the states. this is a busy week for the supreme court. i think, i think all their work highlights the leadership failures of our current president. if obama care is not deemed constitutional, then the first three and a half years of this president s term will have been wasted on something that has not helped the american people. if it is deemed to stand, then i ll tell you one thing, we re going to have to have the president, and i m the one going to get rid of obama care, we re going to stop it on day one. facing a volatile political landscape, two long-time lawmakers, two bold-faced names in washington face primary challenges yesterday. chalking up wins for the establishment on both sides of the aisle. in utah it was six-term republican senator, orrin hatch, able to hold off his tea party challenger.