How to overcome depression? - ‘I am depressed.’ We hear this from people around us. What is depression? Depression is a debilitating state of persistent sadness which includes being demotivated, lethargic. There is a lack of.
How can you get peace of mind? - Peace! Don’t try to find! It is within…Just still your Mind! These words are key to understanding how we can be peaceful. Peace is already within us. By getting a control over our mind, we can.
What causes life problems? - The list of problems people face is endless. There could be big problems or small problems; life problems, relationship problems, financial problems. People live in the agony of failure, unfulfilled.
Why should we be enlightened? - Enlightenment means to bring in the light. Just like when we switch on a light in a dark room and we can see, so also, when we switch on the light within, the darkness of ignorance is eliminated and.
Why should anyone choose spirituality? - It is important that we must understand what spirituality is and not confuse it with religion. Spirituality is the science of the Spirit, the Soul, the Atman, the life energy within us. It is.