Important. There is so much at stake, from civil rights to Voting Rights to health care in and of itself. These decisions that the Supreme Court makes, it is important they have the force of law. So for republicans to move forward like this, i think, really underminds that. It will have a tremendous amount of control now, so im not sure exactly how this will play out. Again, weve seen moments like this before, where health care was in the ballots. And the american public, speaking out, got people like john mccain and a couple colleagues to do the right thing. Brennan youre appealing from morality, but tactically speaking, is there anything democrats can do . You have this funding deadline coming up, can you use that leverage . Again, i think there will be a lot that will play out over the coming days. Two things are of great import one is to appeal to a moral aspect. It is pretty significant in terms of their own honor and legitimacy. And in addition to that, the election has already b
Housepassed government funding bill. Now, live Senate Coverage here on cspan2. The president pro tempore the senate will come to order. The chaplain, dr. Black, will open the senate in prayer. The chaplain let us pray. Almighty god, help us. Turn us back to the paths of integrity and faith. Be for our lawmakers a protecting rock of safety, rescuing them from the powers of evil. Help them to fix their hearts on you, trusting your guidance and wisdom. May love for you be reflected in the ordering of their priorities, as they seek to give you first place in every important decision. Lord, make them servants of your purpose, as they seek to increase the treasures of your kingdom. Satisfy the deepest longings of their hearts. And, lord, in these toxic times, bless america. We pray in your loving name. Amen. The president pro tempore please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic for which it stands, o
Working knconditions. Welcome back, everybody. As you know, weve been in the guilded age for some time now. And weve already scene the Technological Innovations that made some of this economic expansion possible. We saw both the economic transformations and the effects of those changes in the economy as far as lifestyles, both of the very rich, these opulent robert barren lifestyles on the one hand on on the other hand, of the very poor. Whether it was the People Living in the shacks of the new england mill towns or whether it was when we explored the guild l age city, the increasing problems of housing and of sanitation that came with the cities going along with immigration. And then last time we saw in particular, there was some frustration with this guilded age regime as we talked about the farmers in this period. That really could have been called discontent in the guilded age part one, but today, we turn our attention mostly back toward industry and in some way, back toward the ci
Flynn is a defendant without a prosecutor and litigation now without any controversy between the actual parties to the case. Instead of promptly granting dismissal as required as a matter of law, judge sullivan denied two defense motioning opposing any amicus at all, appointed mr. Gleeson to usurp the job of prosecutor, and went forth to right theening wrotes he perceived. To right the wrongs he perceived. The job of the United States attorney is otherwise occupied. In adding these unconstitutional burdens of process to punish Michael Flynn, judge sullivan discarded any semblance of the unbiased, impartial adjudicator this court extolled in the 2019 chapter of that case saga. As a cornerstone of any system of justice worth the label. Four rulings are required to conclude this novel article three excess. Judge sullivans petition for rehearing must be flatly denied with clear language that a judge has no injury and no standing to seek relief of this courts rulings. Because judge sullivan
We will and with a brief rebuttal from mr. Flynns counsel and the council of United States. Please proceed. Thank you chief judge, may it please the court, general flynn is a defendant without a prosecutor, and litigation without controversy between the parties to the case. Instead of granting dismissal as required as a matter of law, John Sullivan denied defense motions, appointed mr. Gleason to usurp the job of the prosecutor, raised perjury but as iter his head, was noted, the job of United States attorney is occupied. Adding the unconstitutional burdens of process to punish michael flynn, John Sullivan discarded any semblance of the adjudicator. As a cornerstone of any system of justice worth the label. Required. Gs are judge sullivans position for rehearing must be flatly denied with language that a judge has no injury or standing to seek relief in this court. Sullivan has invested himself in the prosecution of general flynn, it is mandated disqualification for the glaring appeara