This is signed by 18 senators as follows. The majority leader. With First Experience Supreme Court confirmations in the senate, i was a young staffer for a Junior Member of the judiciary committee. Time i met a young guy named Lamar Alexander who left the senate to go down to the white house to work in congressional affairs. So ive had an opportunity for quite a long time to observe the confirmation process through various ups and downs, periods when nominees were confirmed almost overwhelmingly and periods during which they were heated, to put it mildly, contests over the nomination. What i think i can safely say about the senate over the last 40 or 50 years is that its in an assertive period. In other words, viewing the whole process as a joint thing that the president has a role to play and the senate has a role to play and at various times in the history of our country, the senates been pretty passive about it and at other times theyve been pretty aggressive about it. But the const
May have different goals but they all share the same primary objectives and the confidence in our democracy and they are thrilled when the disinformation causes us to point fingers at each other rather than at them. The good news is we spent the last four years gearing up for this unlike the Obama Biden Administration on whose watch even democrats admit we were called. The Trump Administration workede with congress and others to get us ready. The white house has imposed sanctions on russians who interfered in 2016. The department of justice, the department of Homeland Security and the Intelligence Community led efforts to strengthen and coordinate our defenses. And here in the senate the Intelligence Committee spent years studying whatha went wrong in 2016 and published a 1300 page report with recommendations. In the last two years alone we passed more than 800 million to fund and support secure elections. They described last night they are being combated by the federal government and
They announced that iran and russia exploited voter information to send misleading emails. This is just another reminder that multiple different adversaries with multiple different objectives want to fuel division among americans and create chaos. Iran, china, russia, and other adversaries may have different goals, but they all share the same primary objective of undermining americas confidence in our democracy and they are thrill thrill they are thrilled when their disinformation causes us to point fingers at each other rather than at them. The good news is that we spent the last four years gearing up for this. Unlike the obamabiden information on whose watch even democrats admit we were caught flatfooted, the Trump Administration worked overtime with congress and other actors to get us ready. The white house has imposed harsh new sanctions on russians to interfered in 2016. The department of justice, the department of homeland security, and the Intelligence Community have led efforts
Associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States signed by 18 senators as follows. Mcconnell, ernst, smith, blackburn, ouppercaseletter, wicker, ran, purdue, cotton, f for, alexander. Mr. President. Majority leader. My First Experience with Supreme Court confirmations here in the senate, i was a young staffer the number of the judiciary committee, that is also the same time climate a young guy named alexander who just left the senate to go to the whitego house for congressional affairs. Ive had the opportunity for quite a long time to observe the confirmation process to various ups and downs, periods when nominees were confirmed almost overwhelmingly and here in which they were hated over nomination. I could safely say about the senate, over the last 40 or 50 years, it is unassertive. Doing the whole process as a joint thing, the president had a role to play and the senate has a role to play. The various times in our history in our country, the senate has been pretty passive
Are there any senators in the chamber wishing to vote or change his or her vote . If not, the ayes are 51. The nays are 46. The motion is agreed to. Mr. Mcconnell mr. President . The presiding officer the clerk will report the nomination. The clerk nomination, Supreme Court of the United States, Amy Coney Barrett of indiana to be an associate justice. Mr. Mcconnell mr. President . The presiding officer the majority leader. Mr. Mcconnell i send a cloture motion to the desk. The presiding officer the clerk will report the cloture motion. The clerk cloture motion, we, the undersigned senators in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett of indiana to be an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States signed by 18 senators as follows. Mcconnell, thune, ernst, hide smith, blackburn, blunt, capito, wicker, graham, perdue, grassley, inhofe, cotton, hoeven, crapo,