construct even more print hello everyone welcome to fox news live on this sunday, i am eric shawn hi arthel. arthel: hi erica, hello everyone i am arthel nebo. the bite of menstruation announced several measures last week to slow the flow of migrants at the u.s./mexico border. but officials there tell us unlawful crossings have surge lately. that is even before title 42 goes away. the pandemic era policy allows for the swift removal of the refugees without processing their asylum claims. twenty-four for the very latest of former sheriff clint mcdonald joins us in a moment to tells us what it is really like on the ground and what washington easy to stop this first must go to griffith jenkins live in texas with the very latest on the ground there, hey griffin. xa eric. we are here in brownsville, texas. it is really ground zero for the latest surgeon well ahead of title 42 lifting what is now being called camp a monument here. border patrol that their logistics and play, scre
gosh! my mom deserves the best, and the best gifts are from harry and david. chocolate. yummy! cheese. gouda. wine. what s that? it s from harry and david. aww. thank you! glad it s working but we now have to finish the job and there s more to do. and you are leading the way it shovels in the ground, cranes in the air. factories opening all of those jobs being created and that s what we are doing rebuilding america. [applause] i make no apologies. supportive fox posters number one issue facing our country is the economy. it seems some of us do not agree with president biden s assessment of how well the economy is doing. take a look at a new fox poll that shows most voters 70% of those surveyed say it s a fair