Palmesano: ‘Jump-Start New York’ is what our economy needs
The Chronicle Express
Assemblyman Phil Palmesano (R,C,I-Corning) and his colleagues in the Assembly Minority Conference are unveiling “Jump-Start New York: A Plan for Economic Recovery,” which will be a plan aimed at restoring New York’s faltering economy.
“It is critically important that the governor and Legislature work together to take bold and aggressive action to open up our state s economy and provide much-needed assistance and relief for the many small businesses, farmers, manufacturers, workers and families who have been crushed by the governor s state-mandated COVID-19 closures, shutdowns and restrictions. It is imperative that we jump-start our state s economy now and get people back to work. As I have continued to say, it s important to remember that COVID-19 is not just a public health crisis, it is an economic crisis which requires immediate and decisive action by the state to provide critical assi