The 9/11 attacks raised concerns over the security of U.S. borders.In response, the Bush Administration employed additional BorderPatrol agents, deployed new technologies at the border, and erectedphysical barriers. The Obama Administration should continue thesemeasures by increasing training capabilities, supporting SBInet,encouraging states to enter into Section 287 (g) compacts, and tocreate State Defense Forces in order to promote citizenparticipation in border security.
On May 29, the Obama Administration released the results of its 60-day cyber review. The review correctly emphasized the vital role of the private sector in any future national cybersecuritystrategy.
Because dual-use biotechnologies developed in the private sectoroffer powerful tools to protect Americans from biological threatsand to increase the military's operational capabilities, thefederal government should promote international liabilityprotection for developing and deploying new national security goodsand services, promote scientific travel and exchanges, and assign alead agency to coordinate biotechnology exploitation for nationalsecurity.