would suggest they re trying to encircle the capital. is that one of your worries? they are trying to encircle the capital. they are trying to cut our western supply routes. they have been going to the cities from the bath to the western water with european union and they are basically right to cut our supply lines in every way. and the battles have been rage raging for the last couple of days in those small towns, in and around kyiv, that you have seen with russian shellings, with tank battles unlike anything seen since the second world war. and the thing is that we are having to defend and try to keep that supply route open. what do you i know that western allies and nations are sending weapons. the president, zelenskyy, has called for a no-fly zone, but western nations, including the united states, have been quite clear, they do not want to
they are trying to encircle the capital. they are trying to cut our western supply routes. they have been going to the cities on the path to the western border with european union. and they are trying to cut our supply lines in every way and the balls have been raging for the last couple of days in those small towns, in and around kyiv, that you have seen with russian shelling buildings, with tank battles unlike anything since the second world war. and the point here is that we are basically having to defend and try and keep that supply route open. what do you i know that nato allies and western nations are sending weapons. the president zelenskyy has called for a no-fly zone. but western nations, including the united states, have been quite clear they do not want to