On the stun guns, and that person who spoke earlier, finding a way not to kill people, thats called a stun gun. Please get with it. Thank you. President turman any other Public Comments on items not on the agenda . As you well know, i sent you all a letter you received about cure and correct because the vote on tazers was illegal, according to the brown act. And also, by the way, it does say in the brown act as well that you can address employees of the of the city during meetings, as long as it connects to the work that theyre doing, so at all these meeting when you keep saying that you cant do that, its not true, and i hope you look that up. This is what the brown act says the people of the state do not yield their sovereignty to people. The people in delegating authority do not give their servants the authority for them to know whats good for them to know and whats not good for them to know. President ure man, i sent you an email. I appreciate very much what you stated at the meetin
True tragedy, and i feel like we need to really work on i mean, if that was your mother or brother, would that policeman have shot to kill . How come we never hear about people getting wounded, taken down by being shot in the leg or in the hip or anywhere that doesnt kill them . I feel very sad about this happening again, and i want you to consider that were living in very difficult times, and stealing is not a death sentence, and its no duty of an officer to determine guilt and to therefore kill someone. Well, he stole a car, and therefore, the officer had to kill him. Its not simple whats happening in this world. Its a tragedy, actually. Thank you. Any other comments on items 2a through d . Okay. Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. Secretary kilshaw, next item. Clerk general Public Comment. The members of the public are free to comment on items that do not appear on tonights agenda. Under Police Commission rules of order during Public Comment, neither Police Commissioners no,
Even if we were to immediately reduce greenhouse gases. We are committed to climate change. It is important for us to begin adapting to climate impacts. This is the first year the mta Climate Action contains adaptation areas there are five of them. Education capacity and communication vulnerable, plans and policies and partnershipses and collaboration. We are working with the City Partners on conducting the Vulnerability Assessment of the entire Transportation System and begin to build a more resilient Transportation System that is important. If you think about the important transportation corridors on the shoreline this is really important work in the years ahead. A transformation of the transportation sector is important. There are few cities as well positioned as San Francisco in large part because of the investments in the transit is system and the investments better Market Street and the sprt to pay climate dividends in the years ahead. Our dense and diverse land use and connected
Clrk clerk president ure man, you have a quorum. Also with us is the police chief and the interim director of accountablity, paul henderson. Thank you very much, secretary kilshaw. President turman members of the public, welcome to the december 6, 2017 session of the Police Commission meeting. Well jump rite . Clerk item 1, request and file action. Request from the chief of police to accept 6,000 in gifd cards from target to help 40 under privileged and disadvantaged children. President turman commissioners, are there any questions or comments on this particular consent item . If not, ill move in favor. Move. All in favor . President turman any opposed. Thank you. Next item, please. Clerk [ inaudible ] presentation of safe place initiative. Good evening, chief scott. Good evening, commissioners. Commissioners, president ure man, Vice President mazzucco. Ill start this week with crime and then talk about some significant events that have happened over the past week. Start off with our h
Can you please rise for the pledge of allegiance. [ pledge of allegiance. President turman okay. Clerk president ure man, id like to call roll. President turman okay. [ roll call. ] clrk clerk president ure man, you have a quorum. Also with us is the police chief and the interim director of accountablity, paul henderson. Thank you very much, secretary kilshaw. President turman members of the public, welcome to the december 6, 2017 session of the Police Commission meeting. Well jump rite . Clerk item 1, request and file action. Request from the chief of police to accept 6,000 in gifd cards from target to help 40 under privileged and disadvantaged children. President turman commissioners, are there any questions or comments on this particular consent item . If not, ill move in favor. Move. All in favor . President turman any opposed. Thank you. Next item, please. Clerk [ inaudible ] presentation of safe place initiative. Good evening, chief scott. Good evening, commissioners. Commissione