almost every single person on that list is a lawyer. they re looking to understand whether those lawyers went to people like brad raffensperger and others under his supervision hat and select about cities in other states and counties and asked them to either audit election results, throw out certain votes on the basis of these claims of fraud that were never quite authenticated or proven. how did they ask people involved in the administration of elections at the state and county levels to invalidate results that this simply did not like? on the basis of presenting them with claims of fraud that were never substantiated? that is what i think jackson mid trying to understand right now. i put money on it if that s what he s doing because they said it, okay my friend lisa rubin, thank you so much. good to see you. next, mar-a-lago and 3d, section by section. we will walk you through the new york times investigation that shows the easy access to those classified documents. classified docu