tax dollars in electric you about how immoral you are. that is liberalism distilled. it s been going on long time. npr has been running its particular scam since 1971, but the sneering tone you hear on npr has been a hallmark of liberals. a century. liberals have contempt for dwight eisenhower after barry goldwater and for richard nixon, boy did they, and for gerald ford even. if you re old enough to remember ronald reagan, you will recall vividly how liberals felt about him. reagan was an idiot, they told you, a mouth breather, and so was anybody who would vote for him, very much including you. in the words of al gore, republicans were the extra chromosome right wing, so they were really genetically defective. that s how liberals actually talk. whenever two or more liberals are gathered, you will find sanctimony. but there s a new inflection. you may have noticed it recently. the pivot and it was a pivot came six years ago. it was during the 2016 president a campaign.
npr npr takes your tax dollars and then lectures you about how immoral you are that is liberalism distilledal. that s been going on a long time. npr has been running its particular scam sincepart b nineteen seventy one .ut but the sneering tone you hear on npr has been the hallmark of liberals for nearly a century. liberals haverals contempt forho dwight eisenhower and for barry goldwater and for richard nixon. boywewe did they and for gerald ford. even if you reh old enough to remember ronald reagan, you will recall vividly how liberals felt about him. reagan was an idiot. they told youou a mouth breather and so was anybody who would vmu votech for him very much including you in the words of al gore, republicans the quote extra chromosome right wing. so they were literally genetically defective. that s what liberals actually talkctive. s wherever two orhe more liberals are gathered, you will find sanctare. but there s a new inflection you may have noticeded recently the pivo
acting like a nation it s getting ready, that could possibly have a war with china in a few years? but the real thing and tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of americans, both combat forces and civilians, could die, and my question is wise and everybody, democrats and republicans, acting like that s a real possibility instead of saying high five over 40 billion-dollar secrets. i m in favor of supporting the ukrainians but we are on the verge of a superpower war. are we acting like it? i don t think so. tucker: i just talked to someone who is active duty yesterday. he said every meeting he has with the commanding officer is about politics and eei and, you know, while the politicized. is anybody who s in favor of prosecuting these brand-new wars thinking about the readiness of the united states with terry? there are a lot of great people in the military, i m as concerned as you are about the politicization, and that does have a very real impact on our military readiness,
utopias and other countries on the world. joe biden was in tokyo, now he is suggesting the united states could soon have a war with china. willing to get involved militarily to defend taiwan if it comes to that? president biden: yes. you are? president biden: that s the commitment we made. tucker: what! even if you are a china hawk, we certainly are, war with china, can we win a war with china with our current military? let s be honest. the white house try to walk those comments back. this is a long-standing pattern of the guy just going off. the president of the united states, by the way, the third time at least that biden has threatened to wage war against china very he s also constantly threatening to wage war against russia, which we are now doing. a former trump administration dod official, also a defense of foreign policy expert who s been very tough on china in his writings over the years, so we thought it would be worth asking what he thinks of this. thanks so much fo
is that they are banning china s commonest party members basically elites in china, from having assets abroad. they are cutting up peoples passports passports who are trying to leave china even on just visits. what does that suggest? that suggests to me a country that s getting ready. we should begin ready and nothing else should be going on in our military. basically if you re not working on this problem with all of your heart and might, military officers, but also the civilians the political leaders who are responsible and that s the real question i have, instead of blithely mouthing off about oh, yeah, we made that commitment, let s get real and do it. tucker: i think you re exactly right. to deter it, sorry. to avoid the war. tucker: and if you re military is not a pure meritocracy, you are not, period. i would argue. great to see you tonight, thank you. as you just heard, course we told you many times, the biden to administration is sending tens of billions of dollars to ukr