well, go ahead. we had 1,000 people registered from 45 different churches split in two locations but more than that, our primary goal was to give the family values to the jersey shore and spread our message to thousands but instead, the entire nation is talking about what we did and we re sitting on the number one cable news show in america so that s a 100% supernatural success. fantastic plug for you and for us as well. that s right. we had a lot of help from the town, you know, seaside heights was just like phenomenal. seaside heights, we should point out is where the jersey shore house is located. yes. but where all that crazy stuff happens. right, jenkinston, the pavilion that s where they were on the beach that day, ok? and they were great. they were phenomenal and then casino pier, breakwater beach were all behind us helping us out and just, you know, pushing us right along. and the venue changed. venue changed at the very last second of this thing. and i un