FALL RIVER It’s been a discussion for years, but never funded, and now with $40,000 to expend the City Council is set to hire its own attorney.
During last summer’s budget talks, the City Council expressed a desire to fund the position and Mayor Paul Coogan added a line item in their budget.
The City Council recently advertised a solicitation for resumes from attorneys and firms, said City Council President Cliff Ponte. Interviews will likely be conducted in open session and then the council will vote for the new hire.
“I will work with council leadership on how we are going to decide, but I want the process to be as transparent as possible and I want it to be a public process if possible,” said Ponte.
“Thanks to the School Committee,” said Cadime.
H Harrison, assistant to MCAD commissioners, said that when a complaint is filed with the anti-discrimination state agency, an investigation is conducted.
“At the conclusion of the investigation we issue an investigative disposition, which are our findings. At that point we will be able to discuss or disclose the complaint and the findings and at that point it becomes public,” said Harrison.
MCAD investigations take approximately 18 months to conclude, he said.
MCAD does not make public pending investigations, Harrison said.
School Committee member Mark Costa responded to the City Council s criticisms in an emailed statement:
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Presented by Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM)
POLLACK S NEW LANE President Joe Biden is filling his new administration with Massachusetts officials and experts, and leaving some big job openings here in the process.
As Gov. Charlie Baker put it yesterday, he s said goodbye to quite a few colleagues in the last several weeks the mayor of Boston, the governor of Rhode Island, two members of his medical advisory board, and now, one of his best-known cabinet secretaries.