of the show. super star music set downstairs. ainsley: setting up all morning. we are excited. steve: pete hegseth is in today for brian kilmeade. pete: thank you for having me. great to be here. ainsley: rachel campos-duffy is going to be on with us today she had her bear. beautiful baby. we are going to talk with her. pete: a u.su.n. ambassador to te eu will be behind bars. ainsley: comes as democrats work to keep the whistleblower s identity a secret. steve: griff jenkins joins us live from washington, d.c. with more. what we learned about what the whistleblower griff did right after learning about the call between president trump and the president of ukraine. it sounds like the guy got the person got out a note pad and wrote a memo. griff: yeah, exactly. fox news has confirmed the day after the president s july 25th call with