Mahesh Babu shared a lovely post remembering his father, Super Star Krishna, who died earlier this month. Mahesh Babu shared a black-and-white picture of Krishna and penned a heartfelt note on his social media handles. "Your life was celebrated… your passing is being celebrated even more. Such is your greatness. You lived your life fearlessly… daring and dashing was your
By Satya Pamula Krishna was always my favorite hero after NTR. When NTR entered politics in 1982, Krishna became my all-time favorite hero in movies. Kittigadu (as we fans fondly used to call him) had a mass following and the hysteria his movies used to create in those times were unparalleled and can only be compared to NTR which was a rare feat in itself. I still remember
Super Star Krishna - Read latest Super Star Krishna and get new updates on Super Star Krishna by Eenadu. Get trending and top breaking news on Super Star Krishna
HYDERABAD: Superstar Krishna who was hospitalized had suffered a cardiac arrest in the middle of the night and was admitted to the hospital in an unconscious state by his family members. Continental Hospital Chairman Dr. Guru N Reddy said that Krishna was taken to the emergency ward where the doctors immediately rendered CPR for 20 minutes. After they revived him he was