Weeks in office and the very week, frail, Cognitively Struggling president , he still is lost and confused. Meanwhile he is green new agend is wreaking havoc on what couldve been a robust recovery. Today the jobs report was in good. Our Economic Growth anemic. Labor Participation Rate has gone down. Only 6,000 private sector jobs were created. Fake news cnn had to admit that it is a grim sign for a recover and to make matters worse, wev got thousands of high paying, Career Union Jobs instantly banished just in the last two weeks after biden canceled the Keystone Excel pipe down with the stroke of a pen. And thousands more of those job also lost with when he stepped Border Wall Construction. Guess what, Hundreds Of Thousands of highpaying career jobs will also be gone as joe follows through on his promise and his plan to cancel all oil and Gas Pipelines during an explanation in and more, alaska something that donald trump opened up. At the white house today joe biden openly wondered whe
look at an old lead. he just said it s a match a person no one would hav ever suspected of murder we were going to end this was suddenly suspect number one. perfect murder. almost hello welcome to dateline . she was a new bride marrie just three months, then she wa found murdered what happened to her remained mystery for decades partly because police told us the thief must have killed her during a break-in gone bad they discovered it wasn t murder, but a suspect whos trail right to their own front door here is josh mankiewicz with the smoking gun. february 1st, 2009. the detective arrived before dawn at the los angeles police department s van nuys station. i was tired i was tired. he had hosted a super bow party the night before and the beer had flowed freely that seemed to be a good da to have a cup of coffee an caught up on my reading. a couple of aspirin maybe he reached for a file sitting on his desk for months the file of sherri rasmu
If Kansas City took a poll of popular baby names, we’d likely see Andy, Reid, Patrick and Travis climb up the list. For two metro-area families, their children’s names would be found on the list.
burglars, as the origina detectives had suspected all those years. but it would take a few more years befor investigators began to understand what that crucial dna test result meant. it wa now 2009, and the case was col once again. 23 years it sa with no apparent leads, no suspects, and no answers for the rasmussen family. then cam that monday after the supe bowl when detective jim nuttal started peeking through that old case file and made a remarkable discovery. the dn test that had been conducted o that bite mark back in 2004. once the department realized a woman was involved, why did it take four years until yo finally picked it up? what was the department doing in th interim? from what it appears, investigators may have followe