Puhemiesneuvosto käsittelee ennen eduskunnan kesätaukoa tarkennusta siihen, kuinka monta kertaa sama asia voidaan laittaa eduskunnan käsittelyssä pöydälle.
Suomalaisen maanpuolustuksen kehittämistä tällä vuosikymmenellä linjaava puolustusselonteko tuodaan eduskunnan käsittelyyn odotusten vastaisesti vasta.
YOU have to admit it. It’s box office. The man who almost delivers independence for Scotland passes the torch to his female protege. He can’t deal with playing second (or third, or fourth) fiddle so he starts interfering and questioning whether she’s up to it. She starts to see him as a threat to her leadership, and the relationship turns sour. Then, boom, enter sex allegations, a criminal trial, which clears him of all charges, and inquiries where the narrative is him against her. And then, against the backdrop of another election and the prospect of a second independence referendum in which she will have the chance to do what he couldn’t, to deliver independence, he starts his own new party aimed at taking the list votes which he says are wasted on her.