Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust (OTCMKTS:SURVF – Get Rating) was downgraded by stock analysts at JPMorgan Chase & Co. from a “neutral” rating to an “underweight” rating in a research report issued to clients and investors on Friday, The Fly reports. Separately, Zacks Investment Research raised Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust from a “hold” rating […]
Investment Analysts’ downgrades for Friday, May 20th: Asbury Automotive Group (NYSE:ABG) was downgraded by analysts at Morgan Stanley from an equal weight rating to an underweight rating. American Equity Investment Life (NYSE:AEL) was downgraded by analysts at from a buy rating to a hold rating. Allstate (NYSE:ALL) was downgraded by analysts at Argus from […]
Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust (OTCMKTS:SURVF – Get Rating) was upgraded by Zacks Investment Research from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a research note issued to investors on Saturday, reports. The brokerage currently has a $1.50 price target on the stock. Zacks Investment Research‘s price objective would suggest a potential upside […]
Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust (OTCMKTS:SURVF – Get Rating) – Analysts at Jefferies Financial Group increased their FY2022 earnings estimates for shares of Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust in a research report issued on Tuesday, April 26th. Jefferies Financial Group analyst K. Guha now expects that the company will earn $0.08 per share for the […]
Suntec Real Estate Investment Trust (OTCMKTS:SURVF – Get Rating) was the target of a significant decrease in short interest during the month of March. As of March 31st, there was short interest totalling 17,900 shares, a decrease of 97.2% from the March 15th total of 644,800 shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of […]