A 2nd theres also another amp to homes as of 2018 there are nearly 1500000 vacant homes in the u. S. Yet there are an estimated 553740 2 people experiencing homelessness on any given night so that means even before the pandemic there were 3 empty houses for every homeless person we could give every homeless person 3 m. T. V. How does this not even accounting for empty apartments yog sheds extra bedrooms garages condos cubbyholes attic spaces basements pull out and walk in refrigerators and you wouldnt notice any difference except that homelessness would be over. The only difference is hugo whatever that guy usually sleeps over in the tomato patch over there oh hes not only in the richest country in the world anymore oh how odd that would be the difference no more people on the street no more fear that a little bad luck in your life and you your family could could end up under a bridge given a guy your underwear in exchange for a sandwich and all that madness would be to her and the imp
I want to thank you all. I want to step thank staff and partners for taking me seriously. Madame clerk can take the roll call please. [roll call] there are 11 eye. Without objection, the ordinance is passed on First Reading unanimously. Please go to our first 3 00 p. M. Special order. Please read items 24 through 47. Twentyfour through 27 continued from march 24th and june 23rd, 2020 comprise a public hearings of persons and certification of conditional use authorization issued by the Planning Commission to demolish a threestory singlefamily residence and construct a fourstory mix used building with three dwelling units at approximately 1,731 square feet of ground floor commercial within the neighborhood. Item 25 is the motion to approve the decision and approve the conditional use authorization for the project. Item 26 is the motion to conditionally disapprove the departments decision subject to the adoption of written findings by the board in support of the determination. Item 27 is
Clerk mr. President , all members are present. Before we move into the meeting, i would ask that all participants please turnoff your camera. President yee okay. Thank you. Please place your right hand over your heart. Would you please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] president yee thank you. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgtv who record all the meetings and make the transcripts available online. Madam clerk, are there any communications . Clerk yes. The record will reflect that during the pandemic, members of the board of supervisors will participate in the board meeti meeting through online conference as though present inperson in the chambers. We will receive your written correspondence and make it part of the file if you send it by u. S. Mail. Our address is San Francisco board of supervisors, city hall room 244. San francisco, california, 94102. If youre sending by email, send to board. Of. Supervisors sfgov.
Prison who but it wasnt just the president clutching the pearls the activists gadflies and Culture Police from the right and even some on the left were also losing their collective minds on t. V. And social media over the toppling of these slave owning idols the parents of the removal of the ulysses s. Grant statue was just a line too far for some people oakes ignoring the fact that grant despite helping to win the civil war didnt fact own slaves and presided over a particularly horrific chapter of physical and cultural genocide against native americans a leftist hero he is not. And while the toppling of statues and the removal of racist flags do make for great Corporate News and social media spectacles they represent just a fraction or dare i say an easy distraction from the real work that still needs to be done to destroy the institutional racism and economic injustices that gripped the United States of america real work like the kind that black labs matter activists and defund the p
Much to the dismay and outrage of well. I guess what those who care more about stones symbols of hate than peoples flesh blood and lives never one to miss an opportunity to sound off in an Election Year u. S. President donald trump chimed in or rather tweeted in declaring i have authorized the federal government to arrest anyone who vandalize or destroys any monument statue or other such federal property in the United States with up to 10 years in prison who but it wasnt just the president clutching of pearls the activists gadflies and Culture Police from the right of even some on the left were also losing their collective minds on t. V. And social media over the toppling of these slave owning idols its apparently the removal of the ulysses s. Grant statue was just a line too far for some people oakes ignoring the fact that grant despite helping the when the civil war didnt fact own slaves and presided over a particularly horrific chapter of physical and cultural genocide against nativ