The trails of Sunlight Mountain Resort will once again host the Sunlight Mountain Snowshoe Shuffle on Dec. 16. Now in its 32nd year, Colorado Animal Rescue (C.A.R.E.) is organizing the event through Babbish Gulch, an.
For the upcoming holidays, everyone is invited to come cut a Christmas tree in the Thompson Divide. Join Defiende Nuestra Tierra Wilderness Workshop and the U.S. Forest Service to find and cut down your own.
Thirsty beer connoisseurs are invited this weekend to simultaneously quaff quality elixirs and support a popular Roaring Fork Valley nonprofit. On Saturday, the third-annual Kirstie Ennis Foundation Oktoberfest comes to Sunlight Mountain Resort. The event.
As a 17-year-old, Emma Hostetler is unable to vote and said she felt like she had no say when it came to climate change and its effects on her and her generation.