Three flamingos died in Navi Mumbai after crashing into a signboard. The Mumbai BirdRace organizers are concerned about the safety of the birds and are asking the authorities to remove the signboard. The wetlands of Navi Mumbai remain a concern for environmentalists.
Environment activists in Navi Mumbai are organizing a walkathon called Chalo Chanakaya on December 24 to raise awareness about the repeated damage to mangroves in the area. The activists are calling for action to be taken to protect the mangroves, which are vital for the ecosystem. They are concerned about the lack of enforcement of laws and the destruction caused by construction projects. | Mumbai news
The Lokhandwala Oshiwara Citizen’s Association (LOCA) has been appealing to the authorities to give the water body protected status and to take action against illegal fishing activities.
Despite pressure from development, flamingos seem to be thriving on the shores of one of the world’s most populous cities, and local people are becoming protective of the birds and their habitat.