DAILY VOICE | Budget deserves 10/10 if executed well, says Shailendra Kumar of Narnolia
It is a game-changing Budget in the sense that the numbers are very credible along with strong and timely reform measures. Sunil Shankar Matkar February 03, 2021 / 08:26 AM IST
For Shailendra Kumar of Narnolia Financial Advisors, the biggest surprise in Budget 2021 was the confidence with which a real financial picture of India has been presented. The fiscal deficit is high and needs to remain higher for a couple of years for a growing economy like India has been rightly defended, he said in an interview to Moneycontrol s Sunil Shankar Matkar.
DAILY VOICE | Deepak Jasani of HDFC Securities feels FM could introduce a corona cess in Budget 2021
Spending by Consumers and Businesses (capex) could be given a boost to kickstart quick recovery. Sunil Shankar Matkar January 28, 2021 / 07:59 AM IST
Deepak Jasani, Head of Retail Research, HDFC Securities feels while direct and indirect taxes may not offer much scope to innovate or bring path breaking reforms (except those related to capital markets), the main focus could be on boosting manufacturing through schemes like PLI and to create jobs.
A Chartered Accountant by profession, Jasani expects the fiscal deficit to rise to 7.6 percent of GDP in FY21. He has a broad-based domain expertise of more than sixteen years in capital markets.
DAILY VOICE | Politically-sensitive reforms, like on land and labour, unlikely in Budget 2021: Nimish Shah of Waterfield Advisors
While being watchful and focusing on quality, investors should not be under-invested in equity markets. Sunil Shankar Matkar January 23, 2021 / 02:35 PM IST
Nimish Shah of Waterfield Advisors feels as the rally is getting more broad-based, cyclical sectors are already seeing some good momentum. Sectors like IT, infrastructure, automobiles and agriculture could see traction in the run-up to the Budget 2021, he said in an interview to Moneycontrol s Sunil Shankar Matkar.
The government has already announced a slew of medium and long-term reforms throughout the pandemic. The latest one being the much-debated farm reforms.