JOHOR BARU: First-time voter Lizfiana Samerra Tony felt a mix of nerves and excitement as she marked “X” on the ballot paper in the Pulai parliamentary seat by-election.
JOHOR BARU: With less than a week to go until the twin by-elections in Johor, political parties have been pulling out all the stops to get outstation voters to return to cast their ballots, as their turnout is one of the factors that will determine who triumphs on Sept 9.
JOHOR BARU: The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) will expand the installation of Starlink satellite devices in areas with poor internet access nationwide.
JOHOR BARU: The Orang Asli communities in two villages in Pulai want an elected representative who cares about their welfare beyond the election season.
JOHOR BARU: Being the first person in her family and one of the few from Kampung Orang Asli Sungai Temun to pursue a tertiary education, Lizfiana Samerra anak Tony is already off to a good start after having made it into the Dean’s List in her first semester.