01 May 2021 / 22:08 H. Pix for illustration purposes.
LABUAN: A total of RM2.44 million was disbursed under various assistance schemes provided by the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP), during the second week of Ramadan in the duty-free-island.
Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Ahmad Marzuk Shaary said the assistance schemes were the Bantuan Ihya’ Ramadan, Dapur It’am, Musaadah Tijariyah (for business activities and business startup capital), muaalaf group (Muslim converts), kitchen assistance scheme for Asnaf (eligible tithe recipient) and Wakaf assistance scheme for the Labuan Nuqleus Hospital.
“A total of RM759,000 was disbursed last night for the Dapur It’am programme which provides breaking-fast meals for the asnaf group, Covid-19 frontliners and the needy, RM1.23 million for Musaadah Tijariyah Programme, RM271, 000 to surau and mosques for religious activities, and the remaining for other programmes