Speaking of the “immense power” that the word of God can unleash in people’s lives, Pope Francis encouraged us to always “have the Gospel within easy reach.”
In his Angelus address, the pope said that a Year of Prayer starting on Jan. 21 will be “a year dedicated to rediscovering the great value and absolute need for prayer.”
It will be a reminder that after 55 years,
Dei Verbum the document on Divine Revelation that the Second Vatican Council issued in November 1965 remains alive and well!
But even more so, that the Sacred Scriptures are still alive, even after thousands of years.
That s what most Catholic parishes around the world will testify to this weekend when they celebrate Sunday of the Word of God .
Those of us in Australia, currently on summer holidays, will do so on February 7.
Pope Francis fittingly announced the establishment of Word of God Sunday on September 30, 2019 the liturgical feast day and 1600th anniversary of the death of Saint Jerome.
After a brief theological prologue in which he announces in advance who Jesus is (the Christ, the beloved Son inhabited by the Spirit, in whom the expectation of Israel and the vocation of Adam are fulfilled), Mark begins his story proper with an abrupt start.
No sooner has Jesus inaugurated the proclamation of the Kingdom than he immediately adds companions, the first four disciples. It is as though he could not live without community!
From these verses the Evangelist will lead his readers from page to page on a journey. It is one that is sometimes exhilarating and, at other times, difficult and disruptive.