respect, to deflect the tone of the democratic debate. but with juan on this, i don t think that the isis part was important at all in terms of the democratic debate. there was no audience response. it was so little response, in that segment opposed to after, that i assumed at the beginning there was no audience in the hall at all. total silence, nobody cared. there were no differences between them. there was nothing that was said that was new. they were arguing over essentially over wording whether you want to use the word islam or jihadist. we re hours after the worst attack in europe in a decade, and for the democrats, it s an issue to get out of the way in 20 minutes so you can end up but charles, i think the audience is republicans, and a larger universe, not just the folks in the room and not just democrats, and don t forget, the sunday morning shows are going to play that clip.
criticize the president for 9/11. we were attacked and my brother kept us safe. well things boiled over again on the sunday morning shows. jeb said we were safe with my brother. we were safe. well, the world trade center just fell down. now, am i trying to blame him? i m not blaming anybody but the world trade center came down. when he said we were safe, that s not safe. my brother responded to a crisis and he did it as you would hope a president would do. he united the country. he organized our country and he kept is safe. mr. trump talks about things as though he s still on t the apprentic apprentice . it looks as though he is an actor playing the role of a candidate for president. trump then fired back on twitter, jeb, why did your brother attack and destabilize the middle east by attacking iraq when there were no weapons of mass destruction? bad info? meantime, jeb bush is fund-raising off this fierce back and forth with this on his campaign website. it reads, president georg
later this month. did the network and the republican party get strong armed by two of its leading k d candidates. it says neither mr. trump or dr. carson will participate in the debate if it s longer than 120 minutes and does not include opening and closing statements. in other words, nice little debate you have here. be a shame if something happened to it. i ll talk about how this all went down. the communications director and chief strategist for the republican national economy. good to see you this morning. let s get into the debate. there s a debate playing out on sunday morning tv. amazingly it s over the topic of 9/11. here is what we heard this morning from jeb bush and donald trump on the sunday morning shows. does anybody blame my brother
bush. showing how the candidates do goes a long way in setting a tone and the momentum on the campaign trail going forward. one loss showing who rose and who fell. thanks very much. ahead, ben carson said he would not support a muslim american for president. that wasn t the only controversy from the sunday morning shows. hear what carson and donald trump said after this. quals ove.
like us talk for ourselves. i thought that was brilliant. she wants me to bring the children s choir in. but 8:00 is, though, that is the that s when mega clutches hu they re reading about us. we are us. and you also get an opportunity to do what we do every morning and that is we start the conversation for the day. we influence the news. we influence the news makers. they tell us that at the white house and on capitol hill. you goat do that now. you get to influence the sunday morning shows. and you re exactly right. if i want to reach your audience, i got to be there at 8:00 on sunday morning. many of the washington influences started e-mailing me saying i ve got to watch this. i told them my goal in life, i