At right, Julia Hoover, on left, puts peaches on a sundae as Evangeline Hollabaugh dips ice cream during the annual Peach Festival at Hollabaugh Bros. Fruit Market on Sunday.
You voted: Amy Anderson, Delone Catholic Softball: Amy went 5-for-7 with 3 runs, 4 RBI, 2 doubles and a triple in two games. She also struck out 15 batters. Dante Elliot, Littlestown Track & Field: Dante swept the long jump, triple jump and high jump in a pair of meets, setting the area s best high jump mark of 6-5 vs. Biglerville Winter Oaster, Gettysburg Track & Field: Winter set a new school record in the 1600 with a time of 5:15.6 against York Suburban Jake Sherdel, Delone Catholic Baseball: Jake went 5-for-8 with 3 runs and 4 RBI in a pair of games last week. Nate Clyde, New Oxford Track & Field: Nate won the 110 hurdles, 300 hurdles, and ran on the winning 4x400 relay team against Gettysburg. He set a PR of 15.2 in the 110 hurdles.
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