Venu, who is the daughter of TVS Motor chairman emeritus Venu Srinivasan, said her firm will be tapping on the engineering and R&D talent within Tamil Nadu
The PMS, which has Rs 4,000 crore worth AUM, shared a note on 94 listed firms that changed their names to accommodate the latest trend in the market. Their stocks made a 124% average annualised return in 2023!
During a deep dive on what comprises conflict in a jury - in this case, Chandra recusing himself during the discussion and voting of the Business Leader of the Year since one contender (and ultimate winner) was Titan managing director CK Venkataraman - the ever-wisecracking Uday Kotak, founder, Kotak Mahindra Bank, wondered whether the chairman should recuse himself from every vote and discussion since he "pretty much knew details about everyone in industry".
Indias robust policy framework, digital public infrastructure and the abundance of talent could make it the countrys decade on the global economic stage, business leaders said.