Developers return with new plans for large scale residential development in Blarney
In December, An Bord Pleanála refused planning for a large-scale strategic housing development at Monacnapa.
Amy Nolan
PLANS are once again in the pipeline for a residential development at a site in Blarney where planning permission was refused just a few months ago.
In December, An Bord Pleanála refused planning for a large-scale strategic housing development at Monacnapa.
Eoin Sheehan had applied to the board for permission to construct 150 residential units comprising 112 houses and 38 apartments as well as a childcare facility.
Local residents of Sunberry Drive and Sunberry Heights had highlighted concerns with the proposals including access and design issues.
Planning permission for 150 residential units in Cork town refused
Proposed Monacnapa SHD
Permission has been refused for a large scale strategic housing development (SHD) in Blarney.
Eoin Sheehan applied to An Bord Pleanála for permission to construct 150 residential units - 112 houses and 38 apartments - and a childcare facility at Monacnapa.
The 150 units were to be divided into ten one-bed; 36 two-bed; 77 three-bed; and 27 four-bed units.
Of the 112 houses one was to be detached; 50 were to be semi-detached; and 61 terraced units, along with the 38 apartments.
Local residents of Sunberry Drive and Sunberry Heights had highlighted concerns with the proposals.
They said that the proposed development will undermine the “long standing quiet residential nature” of the estate, while also highlighting access and design issues.