Full peal which ive never heard of, driving us up the wall, but its part of the day of coronation. About 100 yards behind us we saw king charles and Queen Camilla turn up in one of those horsedrawn carriages and we knew this was Something Special and we knew, in fact, something that hasnt been seen here for, oh, 70 years. A lot of hubbub, pomp and circumstance, but in the middle of the ceremony when the archbishop of canterbury took that Coronation Crown and fitted it on king charles head and you knew something would happen and a short time after that to show the tradition and heritage of the place you saw Something Else, his son and heir apparent, Prince William, Pledge Allegiance to king charles. I, william, pledge and faith unto you, as for life and limb. Theyve got the si ceremony, and there was an older carriage and the crowds have been battered and buffeted by rain and wind and they were there by the tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands just to show that the royal naysaye
encounters following the end of title 42. and our correspondent griff jenkins is live along the border in brownsville, texas tra tracking movements on the ground on our end and on the mexico side, griff. griff: aishah and rich, it s hard to track, the numbers are so large, we can show you here where we are, camp monument. this is the tip of the spear, aishah, because right here behind me at this temporary processing site they have processed more than 30,000 migrants since the middle of april, 2,000 every day since i ve been here. you re looking along the levee behind me, the migrants lining up all day long. majority, by the way, 90% are from venezuela. they don t just come during the day. we shot exclusive footage with our thermal imaging night drone. we can show you this as well. you can see at nighttime they come. the u.s. side is on the bottom of your screen. matamoros, mexico on the top and they re bracing remember, title 42 is still in effect right now, but they re bra
full peal which i ve never heard of, driving us up the wall, but it s part of the day of coronation. about 100 yards behind us we saw king charles and queen camilla turn up in one of those horse-drawn carriages and we knew this was something special and we knew, in fact, something that hasn t been seen here for, oh, 70 years. a lot of hubbub, pomp and circumstance, but in the middle of the ceremony when the archbishop of canterbury took that coronation crown and fitted it on king charles head and you knew something would happen and a short time after that to show the tradition and heritage of the place you saw something else, his son and heir apparent, prince william, pledge allegiance to king charles. i, william, pledge and faith unto you, as for life and limb. they ve got the si ceremony, and there was an older carriage and the crowds have been battered and buffeted by rain and wind and they were there by the tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands just to show th
By US Racing Team The favorite for the 155th running of the $1.5 million Belmont Stakes (G1) on June 10 looks like it could be a 3-year-old who was scratched…