The Maharashtra Chief Minister made these remarks after the ECI on Tuesday allotted the ‘Two Swords and Shield symbol` to the Eknath Shinde faction of Shiv Sena a day after the group was allotted `Balasahebanchi Shiv Sena` (Balasaheb`s Shiv Sena) as the name for the group of the party.
The Election Commission of India on Tuesday alloted the Two Swords and Shield symbol to the Eknath Shinde faction of Shiv Sena a day after the group was alloted Balasahebanchi Shiv Sena (Balasaheb s Shiv Sena) as the name for the group of the party.
The Election Commission explained its decision not to grant Sun/Surya/Sooraj a symbol, stating that "The Name of the Symbol resembles with already reserved symbols.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Tuesday exuded confidence in winning the upcoming Andheri East Assembly bypolls with the new 'Two Swords & Shield symbol' approved by the Election Commission,
Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Tuesday exuded confidence in winning the upcoming Andheri East Assembly bypolls with the new Two Swords & Shield symbol approved by the Election Commission, and said that Balasaheb Thackeray s Shiv Sainiks are happy.