On the conservative side. On google owned youtube, for example, videos by Trump Supporters have been cut off from ad revenue often for no clear reason at all. On twitter, popular personalities like my low yap police and Martin Shkreli have been scrand without explanation white hateful on the left unpunished or unnoticed. If you are on twitter you know what im talking about. Amazon and papal have both started to target organizations using a blacklist crafted by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Thats an illegitimate Left Wing Group that routinely uses its hate group label to target ordinary conservative groups. The greatest threat to an open society now are not in washington, they are in Silicon Valley in cyberspace. Brian clay pool is a civil rights attorney. He says he supports the recent behavior of Tech Companies and he joins us tonight. Brian, i would assume you are liberal. I would imagine that you are against censorship and for Free Expression a Free Exchange of ideas. Liberals us