Jaya Ahsan, a beloved actress especially amongst Bengali audiences, has returned to Bangladesh following her participation in the 54th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) held in Goa. The five-time National Film Award-winning actress shared additional good news upon reaching this milestone in her career.
The five-time National Award and three-time Filmfare Award-winning actress Jaya Ahsan is currently in Goa at the festival, triumphantly attending the screenings, with five of her films being showcased at the IFFI, marking a remarkable feat in her career.
In a triumphant continuation of her illustrious career, Jaya Ahsan, the acclaimed Bangladeshi actress, has achieved another milestone. Just three days after securing her fifth National Film Award, she received the exciting news that five of her films will be showcased at the upcoming International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa.