The upcoming biopic titled 'Sumo Didi' will tell the story of India's only professional female sumo wrestler Hetal Dave, and will star Shriyam Bhagnani as its lead. The teaser of the film featuring actress Shriyam showcases her in a tough and .
Hetal Dave, the inspiration behind the series, made history as India s first and only female sumo wrestler, and in 2008, she even made it into the Limca Book of Records.
In an exclusive interaction with TellyChakkar actor Chaitanya Sharma spoke in about the types of characters he looks forward to do and also on his upcoming projects |
Actress Shriyam Bhagnani has been signed to play the role of India s only Sumo Wrestler Hetal Dave in a biopic titled Sumo Didi. As per sources, the shooting of the series is almost completed with its last schedule being shot in Japan. Celebrity trai