The Summit School District could become one of several districts in Colorado’s High Country to build its own housing for teachers and staff, so long as its plan remains on track. During an Aug. 17.
The Summit Board of Education approved a spending plan for the 2023-24 school year totaling $53.8 million, a roughly 10% increase in expenses from 2022-23. Board members unanimously voted for the proposal during their June.
Two Summit School District committees, in letters and public statements, voiced concerns to the Board of Education around spending projections that could send the district into a deficit in the coming years. As board members.
Summit School District teachers and district leadership will soon begin closed-door negotiations over raising teacher salaries as a June 31 deadline to adopt a 2023-24 budget nears. Public discussions between the district’s teachers union and.
As the Summit School Board of Education begins to shape its budget for the 2023-24 school year, district teachers are calling on board members to raise salaries before a possible influx of state funding arrives..