children are whose parents don t have choices, are trapped in failing schools and there s no sense of outrage about it. there are versions of waiting for superman all across the country. this is not just in the urban core parts of the united states. and it s tragic. governor wise? it s an incredible call to action and what we also ought to remember is there are a lot of good teachers out there, too, what we want to do is empower them and make sure that they have the tools that they need in one of the means that we can get higher quality education to all those children and in particularly a lot more that are waiting in line via technology. would you say the unions are hurting this process? and hindering the progress governor bush? i think in most places, unions are resistant to change. they re focused as they were organized to do on the economic interest of teachers and we need to move to a student centered system. most places unions resist the kind of changes we need to mak
with digital content is very progressive. it s a cost saving measure. schools are so strapped right now for cash. they are. almost every state budget is tanking. we ve got a situation is what i call the general motors moment. we have demand for greater outcomes and yet at the same time, less money. we know that through technology we ve seen what happens in other forms of industry and business effective applications of technology and so textbooks over time are going to be replaced by digital devices. the but what s important is how we get content to the classroom and how we make the teacher a multiplier. how do we help that teacher get more effective education for their students? how do you do that under budget? well, again, there are many examples in the rest of life outside of education where you can improve quality at a lower
for example, you talk about access to high quality digital content on the on line courses. yeah, i mean, the states provide and create restrictions because the laws were created long before digital content was even dreamed about. so eliminating some of the restrictions so that you can bring content in from all around the world to change the certification process for teachers to make sure that there s broadband, we move as we move away from textbooks to make sure that the quality of the digital contents, high quality is to the standards. there s a lot of things that need to get done policy wise and this is the way, i think, that you can improve the content of the delivery of education at a lower cost and most states right now realize for the next 10 years they re not going to have additional money. the prediction one prediction about governor, i want to get this in. the idea of replacing textbooks
cost embracing technology. right now, technology is kind of a periphery of education. you ll see a computer on the side of this classroom but we ve organized our classrooms and our schools just as they were organized in 1950. that s right. and this is a chance, i think, to reorganize, move to a customized learning environment, student centered where teachers are empowered with this incredible array of new abilities to adapt learning to customize it for students and you can do it at a lower cost. this is not can i ask you one quick question about the documentary waiting for superman. i understand both of you saw this and there s been so much tension about the state of our public schools in this kunlt. i know it s near and dear to your heart. so much of this movie was about the stranglehold that the unions have on our public education system. i d love for both of you to comment on that, if you could. real quickly, i saw the movie. it broke my heart. it gets me angry when i se
i love the guy. he s a great governor of florida. great governor of florida. so he says you should run for president. what else should he say? brotherly love. however, he says that you should run for president but you won t. is he right? he didn t take all my advice either. and? you re ruling it out? how many times do i have to do it? i m not running for president. but i m happy to talk about education reform with my good friend governor wise. you know, that is the perfect introduction because sitting right next to you is bob wise, former governor of west virginia. you guys are down there. tell us what you it is day two, things are wrapping up on the national education summit reform down there and governor wise, tell us about how you would like to see the classroom