If Summit County were its own national forest, it would be the most visited one in the country. That’s how Dillon Ranger District Recreation Program Manager Sam Massman put it during an April 23 Summit.
The town of Dillon will roll out a parking program this summer that will charge hourly fees for parking at the Dillon Marina Lot, Dillon Amphitheater Lot and along Lodgepole Street, among other adjustments. The.
After months of being under an El Nino pattern, Colorado and the rest of the U.S. will begin to shift to the inverse, known as La Nina. Both terms refer to the change in surface.
The sponsors of a bill that would have changed the way short-term rentals are taxed in Colorado voluntarily killed the legislation after lawmakers rejected another measure on the same topic last week. House Bill 1299.
It’s been just over a year since Proposition 125, which allows Colorado grocery stores to sell wine, went into effect. The impacts of the voter-approved measure have locally owned liquor stores in Col.