There are no fire restrictions recommended for Summit County from Tuesday, Aug. 2, through Monday, Aug. 8. At the Summit County Board of Commissioners Meeting, Summit County Sheriff Jaime FitzSimons reported that monsoonal rains should.
As of Monday, July 25, Summit County will have two names on the ballot for Summit County Sheriff in November. Jaime FitzSimons, the Democratic candidate and sitting sheriff hoping to earn one last term, and.
“I don’t know how often we say the word poverty,” said Summit County Commissioner Joshua Blanchard. At the 2022 Region 8 Community Action Conference, hosted by the Colorado Community Action Association, Summit County Sheriff Jaime.
When Mind Springs Health announced it had chosen a new CEO, officials in Summit County were hesitant to become too hopeful. Two Summit County elected officials County Commissioner Tamara Pogue and Summit County Sheriff.
July is Colorado’s peak month for crashes caused by impaired drivers, the Colorado Department of Transportation said. Numbers normally rise during the warm months, CDOT said, but Summit County Sheriff Jaime FitzSimons said Summit County.