People turned over Text Messages from manafort and he had been trying to conceal all of that effort through encrypted messaging apps. Mueller is not only saying those efforts of tampering should land manafort in jail before trail, as we learned earlier, tonight, bob mueller is saying those efforts constitute new crimes and thus manafort and his employee should be tried and sentence for that criminal activity, own strugglbstruction related conspiracy. It goesing is like this, what Paul Manafort did, it was all old stuff before 2016. The new indictments, the 20th indictment in the mueller probe, this is new stuff. This is all about things manafort did this year, specifically around the time in february when more heat was on him as his closest aide rick gates flipped. Tonights charges clearly a priority for mueller. You can see it right there. While shetions the spotlight and doesnt do any, any interviews, he does sign the big move in this case. Thats his signature on these new indictment
Now, when that news broke, basically everyone understood it because mueller was asking a judge to revoke manaforts bail over the allegations that he was trying to get witnesses to lie for him. The people turned over Text Messages from manafort and he had been trying to conceal all that effort to encrypted messaging apps. Tonight, mueller is not only say thoegz everies should land manafort in trial, as we learned earlier, tonight, bob mueller is saying those efforts constitute new crimes and thus man stay fort and his employee should be sentenced for that obstruction and conspiracy. Whatever Paul Manafort did, it was all old stuff before 2016. Well, tonights news, these new indictments the 20th indictment in the mueller probe, this is new stuff. This is all about manafort did things this year, specifically around the time in february when more heat was on him as his closest aide, rick gates flipped. Mueller, while he shuns the spotlight and doesnt do interviews he does sign the big move
Bay Swag s summer is scorching like the desert "Fisherrr," his hit with Cash Cobain, is one of the hottest songs, and had the Summer Jam crowd rockin with their
Bay Swag's summer is scorching like the desert "Fisherrr," his hit with Cash Cobain, is one of the hottest songs, and had the Summer Jam crowd rockin' with their performance!!!
Black Thought says attempting to please everyone when it comes to The Roots Picnic lineups has become an impossible task, but pulling it off for 17 years and runnin', must mean he's doing something right!