BLACKPINK Lisa created a social media storm with her "Summer Dump" post, drawing immense fan engagement, both positive and negative, as BLINKs expressed their devotion. Delve in and share your thoughts.
From next-gen tech to ingenious innovation, our weekly peek at emerging products examines the sometimes cutting-edge, sometimes quirky world of gear design. From next-gen tech to ingenious innovation, our weekly peek at emerging products examines the sometimes cutting-edge, sometimes quirky world of gear design. From next-gen tech to ingenious innovation, our weekly peek at emerging products examines the sometimes cutting-edge, sometimes quirky world of gear design.
for what they regard breaking the law and ruining the reputation of the fbi. former prosecutors, they all agreed as well. sean: you basically do the job to the inspector general took 18 months and 500 people to do, and yet all the documentation behind it and interviews to support it, and it is all going to be in the book. michael horovitz can run but he can t hide. he can try and dump and i friday summer dump, to bury the story, but it is not going to work. speak of the deep concern, there has pointed this out in her column today, there are people in the fbi and doj who could write a first review and may try to sanitize this. sean: this is why the inspector general shouldn t be doing the investigation. he doesn t have the ability to get a grand jury together. fisa abuse never would ve