For the year ended 31 March 2023
LEI: 549300CCEV00IH2SU369
The Company has today, in accordance with DTR.
that being the grand jury with the power to indict. i suspect what the grand jury will get is lots of summary information. they will probably take in we do this when we have to present cases to a series of grand juries because some sit for a limited period of time. but our criminal investigations often go well beyond that period of time. we take the tran scripts. we turn them into summaries. we might have a 100-page transcript which includes all the testimony of a given witness. distill it down to a page or two of the most important information and present that summary to the ultimate grand jury who will be asked to vote out the indictment. and they will have the transcript available to them in case they want to pour through it. rarely do they want to do that. lots of summary information and perhaps a summary witness. law enforcement will be
This English document has been translated from the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translation and the Japanese original,.
TWENTYFOUR SELECT MONTHLY INCOME FUND LIMITEDLEI: 549300P9Q5O2B3RDNF78 Interim Management Report and Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Statements For the period from 1 October 2022 to. | June 13, 2023
[This is an English translation prepared for the convenience of non-resident shareholders. Should there be any inconsistency between the translation and the official Japanese text, the. | May 11, 2023