Sumeet Dang, and
Bryan Dodds. Yeah, this isn t the most original idea, but that creepy old dead guy haunting him makes this look like something unique and, dare I say, kind of fun. Freaky and disturbing, but with some awkward fun tossed in. Why not? It s the horror genre after all.
Here s the official trailer (+ poster) for Michael P. Blevins
Digging to Death, direct from YouTube:
David (Ford Austin) buys a fixer-upper house to restore and as he’s digging a hole for a new septic tank, he discovers a large box filled with three million dollars in cash and a dead body. He is faced with the dilemma of reporting the body and losing the money or hiding the money and reburying the body some place else. What unfolds next is a series of consequences that lead us to truly discover What’s Buried in the Backyard.
#post contentAs Indian Americans, we think we escape Indian ideologies in America. Rashmi Rustagi tells the story of female feticide in America in the film, Unborm.