The morning was beautiful then March settled upon us, dull March, endless March. Two years ago the fields were white, evenly blanketed, bisected by ribbons of sun-warmed New England granite, pulled from the land so many decades ago when it was.
In 1960, my sister Janey and I rigged up a sailing pram on Greenwich Bay. She was a leaky and sketchy little rig called the What, Me Worry? Ahem, remember Mad Magazine? The learning curve was very steep but my sister Janey and I got the.
On December 26, there was a small but hardy gathering of walkers and birders starting the day’s observations for the Community Bird Census (CBC). Following the first – mostly – white Christmas in years, the weather stayed cold and crisp: 20F plus-or.
After tabling the matter a few weeks ago, the Town Council renewed mobile food establishment permits, approved their locations and set a cap on the number of licenses on Monday, December 5. The reason for the delay was to allow Bethany Campbell.