HarperCollins India | Rs 599 | 372 pages
Bestselling author Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s latest novel tells the story of Rani Jindan, the daughter of the royal kennel keeper who went on to become Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s favourite queen. She soon became regent, protecting her six-year-old son’s heritage, fighting the British to keep them from annexing Punjab, and stepping out of the zenana to conduct state business. She was later imprisoned and exiled, but that still didn’t crush her will.
Read more about the book here.
People on our Roof
Niyogi Books | Rs 450 | 228 pages
Author and poet Shefali Tripathi Mehta’s novel follows Naina, who lives in a south Delhi colony bungalow with her mother, sister, and the stigma of madness running in their family. As memories surface, she sets out in search of the truth behind her father’s disappearance, and soon the past starts unravelling.