KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 30 Malaysia’s highest court has scheduled June 25 to hear an appeal by advocacy group Family Frontiers, which seeks equal treatment in citizenship being.
PUTRAJAYA (Nov 2): The Federal Court has set February 27, next year to hear woman’s rights group Sisters in Islam (SIS) Forum (Malaysia)’s appeal to challenge a fatwa issued by the Selangor religious authorities in 2014 which had labelled the company as deviant from the teachings of Islam.
PUTRAJAYA: The Federal Court has set Feb 27, next year, to hear the woman’s rights group SIS Forum (Malaysia)’s appeal to challenge a fatwa issued by the Selangor religious authorities in 2014 which had labelled the company as deviant from the teachings of Islam.
PUTRAJAYA: The Federal Court has fixed Aug 10 for the hearing of UK-based King's Counsel Jonathan Laidlaw’s appeal to be admitted as an advocate and solicitor to represent former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the SRC International Sdn Bhd (SRC) case.